The Holy Spirit affirms that Fernanda is the chosen one, the messenger of God for Jesus’ Second Coming, which is near

24/05/2010 at 05h40
Themes: gifts of the Holy Spirit, prophecy, Second Coming
Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit comes upon you, my child. I am the Holy Spirit. I descended from heaven to come upon you. My child, on the day of Pentecost I infilled you with the Holy Spirit. I gave you all the gifts from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I infilled you more, with all of them. My child, you are going to use them for your mission entrusted to you. You are going to be prepared for your mission. Soon, you are going to carry this beautiful task. My child, I am always going to be with you. Just call me upon you anytime. I love you, my child, do not fear anything as we are your protector, your guidance for this mission. Be in my peace and trust the Son. My Son is your guide. He is going to inform you very soon about what to do and where to go. Be attentive, be alert. Your eyes are going to be restored. The sign is going to be visible. You are going to carry my Son’s stigmata. Do not be afraid, be courageous for the Son’s, my Son’s, Second Coming is near. You are his messenger for the times to come. You are the chosen one to be his messenger, the messenger of your God, your Jesus. My Son has given you the authority to be his messenger.

My child, go, do it with faith in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Em nome do Pai, do Filho e do Espírito Santo [1]. Amen. We bless you with all the gifts, the charisms, the fruits, the seven gifts and all the gifts.

Thank you, from your Holy Spirit. Pray, pray, always to the Holy Spirit. Invoke him always to be with you at all times. He is your strength and courage. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Holy Sprit. Thank you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I love you all – your humble servant, ready to serve you, my Lord. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.