The angels and saints in heaven are rejoicing and praying for this big mission, which is for Jesus’ honour and glory, the salvation of souls

10/07/2010 at 22h30
Themes: end times, God's love and mercy, heaven, loving God, loving others, praying, prophecy, Rosary, salvation, sickness and suffering
Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

My daughter, thank you for sitting here with me and my Beloved Mother. I, your Jesus, say thank you for your love and patience to be with me and my Mother.

Today I was very happy with you, my child. You took my Precious Body and Blood at Holy Mass, then at my Mother’s holy grounds, the praising, singing and the Rosary said were prominent in my heart and my Mother’s.

My little one, I, your Jesus, want to say thank you for conveying, relaying my message about my Holy Mass and for explaining to my children the contents of my message given to you. My child, you are going to be very strong on your mission. You are going to make an impact in the world with my messages. They will recognise you as my messenger, [the messenger] of your God, your Lord. I will put a sign upon you, from me, that my children, the world, will admire and respect you as my messenger of my End of Times. My child, I am very joyous with your progress, your boldness in delivering my messages. Thank you, my Andorinha [1].

My child, do not get distracted.

[Fernanda writes] I was playing with my pen.

[Fernanda] Sorry, I am sorry, my Jesus.

My daughter, I want to thank you for delivering my children Adrian and Michelle’s messages. They will come to me in time to come.

[Fernanda] My Jesus, I want to ask my Jesus a favour, if it’s my Lord’s will? You daughter Francesca asked me today to pray to my Jesus because her cousin Devon had an accident tonight. My Jesus, is your son Devon going to be alright? If it’s my Jesus’ will to say or convey something about your son... Thy will be done according to your will, my Lord. Thank you, my Precious Jesus.

My daughter, thank you for praying for my son Devon and for this question. Yes, my child, I, your Jesus, want to convey to you, to relay this message to my son Devon’s family. I, your Jesus of Nazareth, say to you that I will heal him of his pains and injuries occurred during his accident. My son Devon is going to recuperate through me, in my holy name. I will restore him completely, then my son, when he is healed, must come to me, to my heart. I need my son in my arms to enter my Kingdom. He needs to open his heart completely to me, his Jesus. I, his Jesus, his God, will be waiting for him to come to my holy temple with his loved ones.

My son Devon, I, your Jesus, your God, love you with all my heart. You are my son. Remember, I created you. I will heal you.

Thank you, my child, my humble servant. I give my peace, my peace I give you, my son, and your loved ones.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my precious Beloved Jesus. Thank you for your love given to us all. My Jesus, I love you.

My daughter, my precious Mother, she is waiting to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My Andorinha, thank you for your time spent with my Son and me, your Mother Mary, Mãe [2].

My daughter, I say to you, your prayer hours like these spent with my children alleviate our hurt, pierced hearts. My child, today you were so absorbed in my love. Write all my messages and my Son’s for my children. Thank you for relaying them.

My daughter, I have something very important to confide in you about your mission. Oh my child, if you had to see how heaven is occupied, atarefado [3], busy, with your mission to come. Do you know my little one, it’s always joyful in heaven, especially when my children do good work, missions, tasks, for my Son Jesus – the heavens rejoice. Oh, if you were to know how it’s heard all over heaven, the trumpets, the flutes, the singing. The angels and saints are all praying, they are in joyous moments for another happening for my Son’s glory to help bring souls to my Son Jesus Christ.

My daughter, you still doubt all this said to you, confided in you. You think you are not worthy of this glory, this gift entrusted to you. You are our humble servant. You love my Son and me with all your heart. Your questions are sincere, in simplicity towards my Son and me. You don’t want to hurt my Son and me. You have forgiven all your brothers and sisters in Christ for all the hurt caused to you, always following my Son’s example and at the same time, moment, your heart is free from hatred. You are our peacemaker in times of war between your family. You want all my children to be the same. You understand our pains in moments like these, when my children can’t forgive and love their neighbours.

My Andorinha, I say thank you for your patience to sit with my Son and me.

I bless you and your loved ones, family friends, enemies and the whole world. Thank you for responding to my call.

Jesus Christ

I, your Jesus, I say thank you for these special moments spent with us.

My Andorinha, I heard your pleas for the game. I explained the other day to you about this, the best winning [4]. I, your Jesus said to you the other time that I have many fields, many dangers and places to take care of. So many are praying with candles, praying Rosaries. I wish my children, the whole world, would do the same after this festive occasion to save and pray for this sick, painful, chaotic, destroyed world, to pray and say Rosaries to save all my children, to pray for the conversion of sinners. Thank you, my Andorinha. I know you understand my pain. In our conversations, you feel my pain, my love for the world. I allow you to feel my compassion, my love, as our conversation takes place. Tell my children as you have said how loving I am towards my children. I heard you saying to them [about] the love and compassion that I have towards my sheep, my flock, when I converse with you. Thank you for these kind, truthful worlds about me, your Jesus. Oh my child, I see when you speak about me, your Jesus, your heart entwines with love. You wish you would be allowed [to speak more] and that my children would pay more attention. When your heart opens to the Holy Spirit, your joy, your happiness, shines through your face, your inner beam. Do not worry my child, when you are on your mission, you will have the opportunity to be free to speak about me, your Jesus, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Beloved Mother. Thank you, my little one, for this love. I, your Jesus, inhale this beautiful fragrance of your joy to me and my Mother. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, my love, my admiration for your loving care towards your brothers and sisters in your Jesus Christ. I will protect you and your loved ones always. My Mother has just wrapped her Divine Mantle over you and your loved ones.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Jesus, my Lord my King, my source of my life, my Spouse, my admirable Lord. I praise, adore you always. Sua bênção [5], my Holy Trinity. Sua bênção, my Beloved Mother, my Jesus. Thank you for the blessing.



[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Mother

[3] Portuguese to English translation: busy

[4] Referring to the soccer world cup teams.

[5] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing