

Ash Wednesday Messages from God the Father and Jesus Christ
February 22, 2023  

Supplied by Charles Pritchard from Alpha Omega Mission
As received by Jesus' chosen messenger for his Second Coming, Fernanda de Sequeira in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020...

Jesus Christ on 28/02/2017

Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary. My child, I, your Jesus, I am here with you. Today was very fruitful. Thank you for coming twice to my Holy Mass and to Confession. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and abstinence, a sacrifice for the start of Lent. Yes, many of my children don’t know how important the time of Lent is. Most of them don’t even know about this special season. This is the time that I, your Jesus Christ, went to the Mount of Olives for forty days, to pray and fast for the mission, my task, given to me by my Father God. It was his holy will and his plan for me to go through this period of fasting and to pray to my Father. This was for a purpose. The reason for this was for your salvation, yes, during the forty days, which I accomplished for the love of each one of you. But today, my children don’t even give me one hour for me to be alleviated of my pains.

My dear children, I ask you, each one of you, to focus upon me, on my sacrifice to save you. I love you all my precious children. My forty days of fasting and in prayer was for you, my children, not to be in peril, but one day, to be in my kingdom. I, your Jesus, I desire of you some of your love, and to share this love with your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, with your family and with your neighbours, and during this time, that you look to each other with the same love and forgiveness as I, your Jesus, have given you while I was nailed to a cross. Then, I died for you, my dear children.

Listen and absorb these, my living words. Don’t turn a deaf ear to these, my living words. Receive them in your heart and practise them. My joy is to see you being obedient to these, my teachings, being given to you. My children, every sacrifice during this time of Lent has a special place in my heart, to be written in the Book of Heaven in letters of gold. Thank you, my dear children. Start your fasting now on Ash Wednesday for the love of your Jesus of Nazareth. Amen. My Petal, relay this message to my dear children.

Father God on 21/02/2020

My little lamb, I, your Father God, I am here to converse with you. Thank you and my people for attending the Ash Wednesday Holy Mass. This is the first of forty days of Lent. Yes, my people, hear and see my people with the sign of the cross with ash – it’s the beginning of the suffering of my Son Jesus. Yes, my Son Jesus went to the Mount of Olives to be alone and pray, fasting for forty days.

The meaning of Ash Wednesday is that you are from dust and you will die – your body will decay and you will end your life on earth as dust. Your soul will go to eternity but this body will decay. Oh, my people are so concerned about the wellbeing of their body to look good – they go for many hours to gym to be fit, they do exercise etc., yes, but how many of them take care of their soul which is far more important than the earthly body?

Father God on 06/03/2019

Thank you for today. Today it’s Ash Wednesday. It’s the first day of Lent. It’s a day for my children to come to my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass and receive the ashes on their foreheads. This is a sign given upon their foreheads to convert, to repent and to believe in the Word of God. Some of my children don’t come and receive this sign – not feeling like coming to my Son’s teachings and feeling it’s not necessary, but it’s a day of fasting and abstinence. Fasting is strength for my people’s hearts, their daily lives. If they are elderly or unable to fast through sickness and infirmities, they are absolved, restrained from fasting.

My people must obey my Ten Commandments.

Father God on 18/02/2015

I, your Father, I say I was very joyous to see many of my people to come to Ash Wednesday [Holy Mass]. This is a very important day in my children’s lives: the first day of Lent. Many people don’t know the meaning and the value of Lent – it’s the first day of 40 days of my Son Jesus’ suffering, the 40 days of fasting for my Son Jesus Christ to retrieve all and look at the good, and [reject] the temptations from the enemy that he was offering my Son in return to not to save souls. My Son Jesus’ excruciating pains were horrendous to describe, but my people don’t comprehend the sacrifice of my Son Jesus for each one of you, my people. This is love without ceasing. Today, many of my people will give up something in love towards my Son Jesus. All that my people do in sacrifice for Lent is very much appreciated by my Son Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit. Every little thing is going to be seen by us in heaven. But my people, the most you can offer my Son Jesus during Lent is your will to my Son Jesus, your desire to amend your sins, to repent, to love one another, to forgive one another and not to hurt my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart with your most horrendous sins. This is the most sacrifice that you can offer my Son Jesus during Lent.

My little Petal, you are coming soon out to the world to announce, to relay, our messages because the time is near – my people are so fearful every time a word is mentioned about my Son Jesus’ Second Coming. But yet, my people at the same time turn away from this truth. My child, yesterday you encountered this between my children, but that truth will be revealed very soon.